Daily English 08:安慰失落的朋友

Daily English 08:安慰失落的朋友

2019-08-04    06'45''

主播: 海驴英语

103 3

I lost my job. I got divorced. My parents pushed me out of the room. I was fired. I’m bankrupt. I was lovelorn. I failed in math. I was not able to accomplish my task. I have no mone to continue my study. Come on,man. Everything will be fine. Don&`&t be sad. We are always here for you. Let me hug you. The world is still wonderful. Be a man. I believe you can solve it. You need to relax yourself. I think you are too tired. A- Man,l &`&m the saddest guy in the world. B- Come on,man. Keep your chin up. A- I was fired today. How could l pay for my daughter‘s school fee. B- Try to get a new job. Then everything will be fine. l believe you. A- There’s nothing l can do about life. I am too tired. B- It&`&s gonna be ok.