

2015-10-22    05'38''

主播: 우리牡蛎

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▌Flattery 最直接地表示“恭维、奉承”。 ► I take his compliments as a form of flattery; they didn't sound very sincere. 我觉得他的恭维话是一种阿谀奉承,不太真诚。 ▌(With) tongue in cheek 这个短语指(说话)无诚意地,说着玩儿地,言不由衷地,虚情假意地。 ►Don't be fooled by John's compliments. He was saying all that with tongue in cheek. 别让约翰的恭维话给糊弄住,那些话可当不得真。 ▌Sweet talk 字面意思“甜蜜的话”,不过甜言蜜语背后其实是有目的的,为了让人答应某事。这个短语既可以作为名词,也可以作动词使用。 ►A "virtual girlfriend" needs to be coddled with sweet talk and pampered with gifts, but you'll never see her in the flesh. “虚拟女友”也需要用甜言蜜语和礼物去宠爱,不过你永远不能见到她本人。 ►He even tried to sweet talk the policewoman who arrested him. 他甚至试图和逮捕他的女警官套近乎。 ▌Sweet nothing(s) 甜蜜的却没有什么实质性内容的话,sweet nothing其实也是一种sweet talk。 ►Jack was whispering sweet nothings in Joan's ear when they were dancing. 当他们跳舞时,杰克轻声在琼的耳边说着甜言蜜语。 ▌ Snow job 这个短语的意思可不是跟雪有关的工作,而是指不太诚实的话,花言巧语的劝说,用奉承、夸张等手法来欺骗或说服别人。这个短语不仅可以用来推销商品、骗取钱财、还可以讨好上司、或者赢得耳根软的女性的芳心,因此在日常生活中很常见。 ►The swindler did a snow job on the experienceless shop assistant and sold all his fakes to her. 骗子花言巧语地欺骗了那个没经验的店员,把所有的假货都卖给了她。