外国人说 See other people 原来这么严重!

外国人说 See other people 原来这么严重!

2018-11-16    02'29''

主播: 意趣英语

7821 52

更多实用有趣的口语内容, yiquEnglish 意趣英语 情景对话: Oleg: I'm breaking up with all my ladies so I can start up again with Sophie. 知识点讲解: See other people 分手;跟其他人约会 【例句】 We've decided to see other people. I think it's for the best. 我们决定分手了,这样是最好的。 Doesn't work out 不合适 【例句】 It didn't work out between me and Heather. We're just too different. 我和Heather不合适,我们太不同了。 End it 结束 【例句】 She ended it with Brian because he just wouldn't change for her. 她跟Brian结束了,因为他不愿意为她改变。 Dump someone 甩掉某人 【例句】 Why did you dump her? I thought she was great. 你为什么把她甩了?我以为她很好呢。 更多实用有趣的口语内容, yiquEnglish 意趣英语