

2019-04-25    07'22''

主播: 意趣英语

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更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 ① Fill someone's shoes 接替某人的工作 Who will fill Jim's shoes when he retires? 当Jim退休的时候谁来接替他的工作呢? ② Stand in 替班(临时的) You need to find someone to stand in for me today so I can take my cat to the vet. 你得找个人今天替我的班,这样我才能带我的猫去看兽医。 I'm standing in for Kyle until he recovers from his cold. 我来替Kyle的班,直到他感冒痊愈。 ③ Take over 接管工作 Shelly took over the project from Gary because he missed a lot of deadlines. Shelly从Gary的手里接管了这个项目,因为Gary好多任务都没有按时完成。 The board is taking over the company from the CEO until they can find someone better for the job. 董事会从CEO手里接管了公司,直到他们找到更好的人选。 ④ Substitute [ˈsʌbstɪtuːt] (名词)替班 Hey I'm the sub for Pam today. She should be back in two days. 我是Pam今天的替班。她应该会在两天后回来工作。 The substitute teacher didn't find the lesson plan our teacher left so he just told us stories all day. 替班老师没有找到我们老师留下的教案,所以他给我们讲了一整天故事。 ⑤ Replacement [rɪˈpleɪsmənt] (名词)接班者,代替者 She's the replacement for Fred who got fired last week. 她是来接上周被炒掉的Fred的班的。 动词:replace 接班 I'm here to replace Maggie until her maternity leave is finished. 我是来接替Maggie的,直到她休完产假。 ⑥ Backup [ˈbækʌp] (名词)后备人员 backup plan 后备计划 backup battery 后备电源 Gavin is the backup IT guy who works on the weekends when Tom is off. Gavin是后备的IT人员,他在周末Tom休息的时候来上班。 They hired me as a backup in case anyone can't perform their job. 他们雇我做后备工作人员,以防有人没法上班。 Backup 备胎 She just treat you as a backup. 她只是把你当备胎。 ⑦ Cover 临时替班 Can you cover me for a few minutes? 你能替我几分钟的班吗? Kalley is covering me for a few days. Kalley会替我几天班。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语