说一个人hot and bothered可要小心注意了!跟夏天天气热没关系

说一个人hot and bothered可要小心注意了!跟夏天天气热没关系

2019-05-15    05'44''

主播: 意趣英语

4683 29

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 ① Bother [ˈbɑːðər] 花费时间、经历做某事 - Should I wait? 我应该等吗? - No, don't bother. 甭费那劲儿了。 He didn't even bother to let me know he was coming. 他来了连告我一声的力气都不愿费。 He didn't even bother to get me a icecream. 他怎么连一个冰淇淋都没有给我买啊。 ② Bother 去打断、烦到某人,给人添麻烦 I don't want to bother her with my problems at the moment. 现在我不希望用我的问题给她添麻烦。 Stop bothering me when I'm working. 在我工作时别打扰。 ③ Bother 让人感觉到担心,不安等 Being in an elevator bothers me. 呆在电梯里让我感觉不舒服。 The noise doesn't bother me. 噪音不会影响到我。 The noise bothers me a lot. 噪音让我很不舒服。 ④ Sorry to bother you. 很抱歉打扰了。 Sorry to bother you, but someone is here for you. 很抱歉打扰了,但是有人来找你。 ⑤ Can't be bothered (to do something) 不愿意花时间和经历做某事 I should really do some work this weekend, but I can't be bothered. 我这周真应该做些工作了,但是我不想… All this happened because you couldn't be bothered to give me the message! 这些之所以发生是因为你连跟我发个信息的力气都不愿意花! You should send me a message but you couldn't be bothered. 你本应该给我发一条信息但是你一点力气也不愿意花。 ⑥ (all) hot and bothered 焦虑/紧张/糊涂/生气/神烦 Dad gets all hot and bothered if someone parks in his parking space. 如果有人在他的停车位上停车,我爸就会急得跳脚。 She hates him. Everything he says gets her hot and bothered. 她讨厌他,他说的每句话都能惹到她。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语