英语电影对白4#年轻气盛#Youth Part2

英语电影对白4#年轻气盛#Youth Part2

2016-04-30    11'34''

主播: paulak1994

492 27

BGM:Ceiling Gazing, YOU GOT THE LOVE Script: 你记得吉尔达吗\N{\fs}Do you remember Gilda? ..- 电影? - 不是 是吉尔达•布拉克\N{\fs}- The film? - No Gilda Black. ..那个我们都爱过的女孩\N{\fs}The girl that we were both in love with. ..吉尔达•布拉克?\N{\fs}Gilda Black? ..你提醒我是要干嘛\N{\fs}What are you ... Have to remind me up for? ..那都是一百年前的事了\N{\fs}That was a hundred years ago. ..对我而言 像是昨天的事\N{\fs}To me it seems like yesterday. ..我愿用我人生的二十年来换取和她上床\N{\fs}I would have given twenty years of my life to have slept with her. ..那真是蠢透了\N{\fs}Well that would've been a pretty stupid thing. ..吉尔达•布拉克并不值你人生的二十年\N{\fs}Guilda Black wasn't worth twenty years of life. ..她连一天都不值\N{\fs}She wasn't worth a single day. ..你怎么知道\N{\fs}How do you know? ..你和她上过床吗\N{\fs}Did you sleep with her? ..什么 你说什么\N{\fs}What? What did you say? ..你听到了\N{\fs}You heard me. ..年前 你发誓你从没和她上过床\N{\fs}Sixty years ago you swore you never slept with her ... ..因为尊重我对她的爱\N{\fs}... out of respect of my love for her. ..现在你却改口了\N{\fs}Now you've changed your tune. ..听着\N{\fs}Look... ..- 我有事要坦白 - 好吧 说吧\N{\fs}- I have something to confess. - Fine go ahead! ..真正的悲剧\N{\fs}The real tragedy ... ..相信我 真的是悲剧\N{\fs}And believe me it really is a tragedy ... ..就是我甚至不记得我有没和吉尔达•布拉克上过床\N{\fs}Is that I can't even remember if I slept with Gilda Black. ..- 你说真的? - 我发誓\N{\fs}- Are you serious? - I swear. ..我好奇记忆随着时间都发生了什么\N{\fs}I'm wondering what happens to your memory over time. ..我不记得我的家人了\N{\fs}I can't remember my family. ..我不记得\N{\fs}I don't remember... ..他们的面容 他们的谈吐\N{\fs}Their faces or how they talked. ..昨晚我在莱娜睡觉时看着她\N{\fs}Last night I was watching Lena while she was asleep. ..我想着成千上万个我以她父亲身份\N{\fs}And I was thinking about all the thousands of little things ... ..为她所做的小事情\N{\fs}... That I done for her as her father. ..我发现那些都是刻意而为 好让她长大时\N{\fs}And I done them deliberately so that she would remember them ... ..能够记得\N{\fs}... When she grows up. ..但最终\N{\fs}But in time ... ..她一样都不会记得\N{\fs}... She won't remember a single thing. ..巨大的努力 米克 你知道吗\N{\fs}Tremendous effort Mick you know. ..巨大的努力 米克\N{\fs}Tremendous efforts Mick. ..没有相应的结果\N{\fs}With a modest result. 过来看\N{\fs}Come look. ..听好了 你看见那边的山了吗\N{\fs}Now listen. Do you see that mountain over there? ..- 看见了 它很近 - 没错\N{\fs}- Yes. It looks very close. - Exactly. ..这是你年轻时看见的样子\N{\fs}This is what you see when you're young. ..一切看上去都很近\N{\fs}Everything seems really close. ..那就是未来\N{\fs}And that's the future. ..而现在...\N{\fs}And now... ..那是你年迈时看见的样子\N{\fs}And that's what you see when you're old. ..一切看上去都很远\N{\fs}Everything seems really far away. ..那就是过去\N{\fs}That's the past.