

2016-09-18    13'52''

主播: 时晴天时雨天

127 5

同步微信公众号:英语朗读原创 /同步q群 英语-热点-朗读 433924484/ 希望大家多多支持,love you all【heart】 相关表达 "以铜为镜可以正衣冠,以古为镜可以知兴衰,以人为镜可以明得失" 译文1 You may trim your appreal if you take brass as mirror. You may know rise and decline if you take ancientry as mirror. You will understand the gain and loss if you take people as mirror. 译文2 Take copper as mirror, one can rectify dress;Draw lessons from histroy, one can learn the change of dynasties;Take person as mirror, one can understand advantages and disadvantages. 姚明版3 If a mirror is made up of a bronze, one can dress properly;if a mirror is history, one can predict ups and downs;if a mirror is people, one can reflect on one&`&s own weakness and strength. Never underestimate the heart of a champion.