『治愈系英语夜读』没有希望的工作 解析版

『治愈系英语夜读』没有希望的工作 解析版

2018-04-17    06'06''

主播: 教书匠小白

109 2

Work Without Hope 作者:柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge) ALL Nature seems at work. Slugs leave their lair The bees are stirring- birds are on the wing- And Winter, slumbering in the open air, Wears on his smiling face a dream of Spring! And I, the while,the sole unbusy thing, Nor honey make, nor pair, nor build, nor sing. Yet well I ken the banks where amaranths blow Have traced the fount whence streams of nectar flow Bloom, O ye amaranths Bloom for whom ye may, For me ye bloom not! Glide, rich streams, away! With lips unbrightened, wreathless brow, I stroll And would you learn the spells that drowse my soul? Work without Hope draws nectar in a sieve, And Hope without an object cannot live. 没有希望的工作 作者:柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge) 所有生灵看上去很忙。 连懒虫都离开巢穴—— 蜜蜂们跑来跑去—— 鸟儿们挥舞着翅膀—— 冬天它,在日头下轻鼾, 做着春天的好梦,笑意盎然!   而我,这时节唯一不在忙的家伙, 我没蜜采、没伴儿、没东西造、没歌儿唱。   然而我曾在忘忧草常青的湖畔流连, 也曾去神仙酒的源头游荡。 啊忘忧草,你尽情开放吧! 为你自己而开放,你不会为我而开! 啊浓泉,你自个流淌吧,流开去! 我唇片黯然,我眉头无采,我自个逡巡: 你可知是何魔法将我灵魂愁锁?   没有希望的工作,是以筛捞酒, 而没有目标的希望,它没法儿存活。