&`&Obey the way you truly believe&`& 遵循你由衷信奉的那条路 &`&Don&`&t let others rule over you&`& 不要让其他人支配操纵你 Life will never be that easy with bag full of 人生从来不会太轻松 All your Ancestor&`&s lessons 先人的训诫都在眼前 I&`&m alone on a mountaintop 我孤身一人伫立山顶 Nobody can answer me or none of them can follow me 前无古人 后无来者 But you climbed up high to the sky above 而你却高悬在那天穹 How do I look from your place right now? 此刻从你那边看 我是什么模样? Some might compete their bravery 有些勇者会互相竞争对抗 They carry around in nicest box 较量其珍藏于宝盒的勇气 Be careful not to forget the right way to open it up 千万不要忘记将它打开的正确方法 Or you&`&ll miss when you need it then 否则你将在需要它的时候追悔莫及 You should keep it next to your soul 你应该将它妥帖安放于灵魂周侧 I&`&m alone on a mountaintop 我孤身一人伫立山顶 Nobody can answer me or none of them look straight at me 前无古人 后无来者 You climbed up high to the sky above 而你却高悬在那天穹 How am I supposed to hide my pride? 我的骄傲在你眼前大概无所遁形吧? I&`&m a dreamer, I&`&m believer, no surrender 我是梦想家 我有着信仰 绝不会屈服 Don&`&t even know way turning back 就算不知道退路何在 Let&`&s go deeper, let&`&s go higher, and show me your ego 让我们愈加深入 让我们节节攀登 向我展现你的内心吧 &`&Obey the way you truly believe&`& 遵循你由衷信奉的那条路 &`&Don&`&t let others rule over you&`& 不要让其他人支配操纵你 Life will never be that easy but hey descendants 人生从来不会太轻松 但是 嘿 儿孙们 Guess that&`&s all I could say to you 我想我已经言尽于此 All the rest is now up to you 剩下的就由你们即刻去实践了
上一期: 人啊
下一期: 我们的总和/艾怡良