

2016-02-03    40'23''

主播: 豆瓣 酱

8390 309

天啦撸!我是老了嘛?!!!前半部分背景音乐都忘了放啦啊啊啊啊啊!前半部分就听我一直在那里嘚嘚嘚天哪……所以大家如果想听背景音乐可以从二十二分钟左右开始(还有不要被突然的背景音乐吓到)要被自己蠢哭了 然后背景音乐前半部分没放但我还是把名字放出来) 推荐BL漫改电影名字:1.星期恋人 2.在宇田川町等我哦 3·春风物语 4.无法触碰的爱 BL漫画推荐名字:1.ヤマシタトモコ-三角窗外是黑夜(强烈推荐!!!) 2.おげれつたなか-逃避之旅 3.山田パピコ-GLOW! BGM名字(不按顺序) 1.Canappeco - 日和 2.花澤香菜 - Happy Endings 3.Ceui - 奏愛カレンデュラ 4Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop 5Miley Cyrus - The Climb 6.Hey! Say! Jump - Star Time 7.P!nk - Try 8.张卫健 - 疼爱 9.Miley Cyrus - BB Talk 歌词如下 Alright, so this is really fucked up, but 好吧,一切真的很糟糕 Alright, I was sleeping next to him 我睡在他身边 but I was dreaming about the other dude 但却幻想着另一个人 And then all of a sudden, everything that he fucking did just made me cringe and it was so hard to fall in 突然,他的所作所为让我恐惧,我难以接受 but so easy just to fall right back out again 但是我却毫不费力地再次回到他身边 This whole time, I could give to you and I could paint you pictures but I guess I could just never write a song and then maybe I'd never fell out of love with him in the first place 我们在一起的日子,我可以付出很多,甚至为你画画,但是我无法做到给你写歌,也许一开始我就无法从爱的漩涡中挣脱 I mean, I, I don't wanna feel this feeling cause my energy's just so strong that, I don't know if I'm creating this or this is actually what's mean to be 我并不想要这种感受,我内心其实很强大,我不懂现在是不是真的在写歌,也不知道写这首歌是为了啥 And you know, they say that you gotta think what you want into existence, but you know what? 人们总说要考虑自己能得到的实际,但是我呢? Haven't been too good at making decisions so, I have no idea what the fuck I want, I guess 我从来就不擅长作出决定,也不知道自己特么想要的究竟是什么 You're giving me a feeling in my head 你带给我的感受萦绕在脑海里 Laying in my bed just thinking 躺在床上,我一直在想 Not really feeling like the one I want 你并不是我的理想伴侣 It's everything in me not to call him 没和他联系都是我的错 I really, really, really want it too 尽管我真的真的真的想要和他联络 I told all my friends I'm moving on 我告诉所有朋友,我正走出失恋阴影 Your baby talk is creeping me out 你的儿语让我毛骨悚然 Fuck me so you stop baby talking 赶紧要我,省得你一直儿语 You know what, in the beginning it was like we were fucking homies and shit and then all of a sudden you started with some fucking baby goo-goo tongue down my fucking throat I mean, even in front of your mom 一开始,我们就像好朋友一样,但你特么突然就换成了对宝宝说话的腔调,甚至在你妈面前也这样 Dude, as if I'm not fucking awkward enough 难道你还特么嫌我不够尴尬 I mean, you put me in these fucking situations where I look like a dumbass bitch and I'm not a fucking dumbass bitch 你特么让我很难堪,我就像个无脑碧池一样,可我不是无脑碧池 You know, like, I hate all that fucking PDA, I probably hate it more than your fucking friends do 你要知道,我最讨厌公共场合秀恩爱,可能比你朋友还要讨厌 You know, it's sweet and you couldn't be more opposite of my last dickhead but I don't know if I can get over the fucking goo 你嘴很甜,这和我前任反差好大,但是我不知道还能不能继续将甜言蜜语听下去 You keep saying again and again 你一直说啊说啊说 We're laying in my bed just talking 我们躺在床上竟一直聊天 And now I, now I can't hold it back 而我却不能阻止你的碎碎念 I'm feeling like I'm gonna vomit 我觉得我要呕吐了 I don't really wanna let go of you 我其实不想让你离开 I heard I change my mind with you often 我经常改变对你的看法 Baby talk is creeping me out 你的儿语让我毛骨悚然 Fuck me so you stop baby talking 赶紧要我,省得你一直儿语 Alright so, I'm gonna be honest 好吧,我和你实话实说 It's the super cutey shit, that's the main issue here 最主要的问题还是你的甜言蜜语 I mean, I'm fucking what? 我特么到底是谁? Look, I like when you send me, you know, the, the queen emoji, but when I send back the monkey, you know, the ones with the, the hands over the eyes, that means that shit's just getting a little too weird for me 我喜欢你给我发的女王表情,但是当我回发给你猴子捂眼睛的表情后,你就应该知道你的话对我来说太诡异了 I mean, I don't wanna say it person, I just bury my head in your armpit which... weirdly smells good and your hair and your fucking teeth 我本不想说出来的,只想把头埋在你的腋下…奇怪的是还挺好闻,你的头发牙齿也是 Like, why the fuck would I wanna lick your teeth but I do 哎我特么怎么想舔你的牙齿呢,可我就是想 And remember there was that one time that I had like a 15 minute, well, that was kind of the best thing in the entire world 还记得有一次我们缠绵了15分钟,简直是世界上最美好的事 You know, maybe I could just get past this shit and I could get used to someone giving a fuck 你要知道,我可以挺过来的,我可以习惯你的在意 I'm sorry I called you a creep and that thing about the vomit 对不起我说你是个毛骨悚然的家伙,还说你让我反胃 I mean, look, I'm really starting to be in this whole thing, but no matter what you do, homegirl can't handle the fucking goo 我真的开始努力习惯一切,但是无论我怎么做,我就是受不了你的甜言蜜语 Fuck me so you stop baby talking 赶紧要我,省得你一直儿语 Fuck me so you stop baby talking 赶紧要我,省得你一直儿语 Fuck me so you stop baby talking 赶紧要我,省得你一直儿语 Fuck me so you stop baby talking 赶紧要我,省得你一直儿语 I don't really wanna let go of you 我其实不想让你离开 I heard I change my mind with you often 我经常改变对你的看法 Baby talk is creeping me out 你的儿语让我毛骨悚然 Fuck me so you stop baby talking 赶紧要我,省得你一直儿语 (好担心歌词被hx233333,对于麦粒我只想说,大概我还停留在当初的汉娜蒙塔娜,但是对于她的转型我不抱任何反对或支持态度,做自己就好吧)