《美人鱼》领跑票房Mermaid becomes the box-office king

《美人鱼》领跑票房Mermaid becomes the box-office king

2016-02-16    21'48''

主播: Cloris C

290 21

大片丨不可错过的《美人鱼》,星爷领跑春节档电影票房 2016-02-15 沪江英语 中国日报网双语 Hong Kong film-maker Stephen Chow won the battle at the Chinese New Year box office, with his movie, Mermaid, topping two others which boasted the heavyweight star power of Chow Yun Fat and Aaron Kwok. 在春节这场票房大战中,星爷执导的电影《美人鱼》大获全胜,力压重量级对手发哥和郭富城主演的影片。 Figures showed it debuting as box-office king in the Chinese mainland as 19 million Chinese went to theaters on the first day of the holiday period. 数据显示,该片于大年初一首映,仅首映当天,观影人数已达1900万人次,成为票房冠军。 The fantasy comedy set a new single-day record for China's homemade movies, collecting 276 million yuan ($59 million) in ticket receipts, said website NetEase. The previous record-holder was comedy Lost in Hong Kong, with a haul of 247 million yuan last year. 根据网易新闻报道,这部科幻喜剧于当日吸金2.76亿(约5900万美元),刷新了国产电影单日票房新记录。之前,该记录的保持者为去年上映的《港囧》,单日票房达到2.47亿。 From Vegas To Macau III, a comedy starring Chow, debuted in second place, with 178 million yuan. Its cast includes Carina Lau, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung and Nick Cheung. 而周润发主演的全明星阵容贺岁喜剧《澳门风云3》以1.78亿的票房占据第二位。该片阵容豪华,卡司包括刘嘉玲、刘德华、张学友以及张家辉。 The Monkey King 2 landed only at No. 3, with 170 million yuan on opening, even though it features top actor Kwok in the title role, Chinese heart-throb William Feng Shaofeng and international star Gong Li. 《西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精》尽管以一线明星郭富城为卖点,还有“大众情人冯绍峰”以及国际巨星巩俐的倾情加盟,但首映日仅获得1.7的票房,位居第三。 Total box-office receipts saw a new high for a single day by breaking 660 million yuan - a 77 per cent increase over last year's takings on day one of the Chinese New Year period. 数据显示,大年初一总票房突破6.6亿,创下单日票房最高记录——同比去年春节档期,增加了77%的票房收入。 The three movies were responsible for 94 per cent of the haul, according to figures published on a website set up last year and managed by a division of the Chinese Film Bureau, reported NetEase. 国家广电总局下设监管部门网站(去年成立)上公布的数据显示,以上三部电影包揽了94%的票房,网易新闻报道。 But Mermaid, which stars Deng Chao and Show Lo, failed to overtake the highest single-day total in China, recorded last April by Hollywood's Furious 7, with 346 million yuan. 但由邓超和小猪罗志祥主演的《美人鱼》却未能突破去年4月上映的好莱坞电影《速度与激情7》单日票房3.46亿元的最高记录。 On Monday, Kung Fu Panda 3, which was released late last month, was in fourth place with 20 million yuan. 而在当天,已于上月底上映的《功夫熊猫3》的周一票房仅为2000万,位列第四。