

2016-04-13    21'13''

主播: Cloris C

1024 50

BATNA. 谈判协议不能达成时的最佳方案 the best alternative to the negotiated agreement How is your research coming?你的调查怎么样了 I know Charlie will drive a hard bargin.我知道查理一定会狠狠杀价 I put a lot of effort into knowing the market.我花了很多功夫了解市场 I've come up with really good options for BATNA on it You'd better consider all angles We are looking for the best deal all around ruin our lasting relationship relationship wise,price wise, insurance and transportation considerations, everything all figures in.算上所有的方面 I am still hammering something out 我还在推敲一些东西 Better hurry最好快点。