哪吒海外上映Ne Zha is ready to hit overseas cinemas.

哪吒海外上映Ne Zha is ready to hit overseas cinemas.

2019-08-23    06'59''

主播: Cloris C

1541 5

Congratulations to the incredibly talented director Jiaozi@饺子导演 on the amazing success of Ne Zha. Many, many congratulations to you on the new record! We'll definitely be seeing Ne Zha in theaters on 8.29. P.S. Ne Zha, a boy or girl? 《哪吒》表现优异,祝贺才华横溢的@饺子导演。对你们的新纪录表示热烈祝贺!8月29号《哪吒》(在北美)上映的时候,我们一定会去看的。PS,哪吒是男孩还是女孩? The Chinese animated film continued to lead the domestic box office on Tuesday, grossing a total of over 4.2 billion yuan, in 26 days since its debut. And now Ne Zha is ready to hit overseas cinemas. 8月21日,该动画电影持续领跑国内电影票房,上映26天以来总票房超过42亿元。现在,《哪吒》准备在海外院线上映了。 影片在影院全面放映一般叫theatrical release或者general release,用动词形式表达就可以用上面句子里用到的hit cinemas,但是有些影片在正式全面上映之前会选择部分城市的部分影院进行“点映”(preview),为的是营造口碑,推动票房销售。 8月16日,“华人影业CMCPICTURES”发布消息: The film will hit cinemas in Australia on Friday and in New Zealand on August 29. 《哪吒》将于8月23日登陆澳大利亚,8月29日在新西兰全面上映。 8月18日,美国电影公司Well Go USA官方微博宣布,《哪吒之魔童降世》确认在北美上映。 American film distributor Well Go USA has also confirmed that the highest-earning animated film ever in China will be released in North America, first in IMAX 3D on Aug 29 and on general release on Sept 6. 美国电影公司Well Go USA也确认,这部票房最高的国产动画电影将在北美上映。8月29日IMAX 3D版,9月6日全面上映。 The film's run in Chinese theaters has been extended by a month to Sept 26. 该片在国内的放映时间已经延长一个月至9月26日。
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