第二十一天 第二十一课 【中英文】

第二十一天 第二十一课 【中英文】

2015-12-21    04'10''

主播: **Angela**

1101 42

DAY 21 ~ LESSON 21 GOD LOVES ME UNCONDITIONALLY Today I feel peaceful. jI am so comfortable that I have a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. I know that God is taking care of me. The power of the Universe is with me, and it protects me from all harm; it even protects me from my own dark thoughts. As I allow all grievances, anger, fear, turmoil and other negativity to fall away, my perception is changed and I am open to the unconditional love that is always available to me. I am happy and peaceful in knowing that God loves me unconditionally. RECOMMENDED READING Letting Go Of What I Want The Love Of God ASSIGNMENT FOR DAY 21 Hold someone’s hand and, without speaking aloud, let that person know that you love him or her unconditionally. Affirmation: I feel God’s peace now. Remember to keep your word today. 第21天第21课 宇宙无条件地爱我 今天,我感到和平。我感觉如此舒服,内心深处有一种温暖的、美滋滋的感觉。我知道宇宙在照顾我。宇宙的力量与我同在,它保护我免受任何伤害,甚至免受自己黑暗思想的伤害。当我容许所有的抱怨、愤怒、恐惧、混乱和其他负面的情绪消散时,我的观点随之而改变,我敞开接受无条件的爱。知道宇宙无条件地爱我,我很快乐而且和平。 导读文章 《放下我想要的》 《宇宙的爱》 今日功课 握住某人的手,不用说话,让这个人知道你无条件地爱他或她。 肯定语句 此刻,我感觉到宇宙的和平。 谨记今天,信守承诺 DAY 21 ~ LESSON 51 I AM THE LOVE OF GOD To God, I am His precious child. His loving gaze upon me is as constant as the gift of peace that He offers me, and I am open to receive it. I know the reality of who I am, and this knowledge puts me in a state of ecstasy. Today and every day I am the love and the joy of God.
RECOMMENDED READING Learning Through Joy And Laughter ASSIGNMENT FOR DAY 21 Notice how everyone wishes to contribute love to you today. At every event, just say, “This is here only to bless me.” 第21天第51课 我是宇宙之爱 对于宇宙而言,我是他珍贵的孩子。他充满爱的注视,和他给予我和平的礼物一样,总是绵绵不绝的。我敞开自己去接受。我知道我的真实身份,这份觉知让我处于狂喜中。今天和每一天,我是宇宙的爱和喜悦。 导读文章 《在喜悦和欢笑中学习》 今日功课 今天留意每个人是怎样贡献爱给你的。 肯定语句 对于发生的每件事,只说:“它的发生,是来祝福我的。”