The Rolling Stones - As Tears Go By

The Rolling Stones - As Tears Go By

2016-01-05    02'45''

主播: 胡桃电台

373 12

It is the evening of the day 傍晚时分 I sit and watch the children play 我坐在那里,看孩子们玩耍 Smiling faces I can see 有笑容挂在他们的脸上 But not for me 但是却不属于我 I sit and watch 我坐着,看着, As tears go by 禁不住潸然泪下 My riches can't buy everything 身无分文 I want to hear the children sing 我多想听见,孩子们的歌唱 All I hear is the sound 有声音萦绕在我的耳旁 Of rain falling on the ground 是雨水打在地上 I sit and watch 我坐着,看着, As tears go by 禁不住潸然泪下 It is the evening of the day 傍晚时分 I sit and watch the children play 我坐在那里,看孩子们玩耍 Doin' things I used to do 那些我曾经做过的事情 They think are new 于他们却是新鲜 I sit and watch 我坐着,看着, As tears go by 禁不住潸然泪下 Um,Um…… 嗯……
上一期: 中孝介-各自远扬
下一期: Glen Hansard - Lies