绘本之心009 - Cats, Cats, Cats! (下)

绘本之心009 - Cats, Cats, Cats! (下)

2016-06-13    05'56''

主播: 遇见英文

106 10

更多精彩内容,请关注微信公众平台---遇见英文 She loved the softness of their fur 她喜欢它们柔软的皮毛 She loved the loudness of their purr 她喜欢它们响亮的呜呜声 She loved to comb their fluffy tails 她喜欢梳理它们毛茸茸的尾巴 She loved to manicure their nails 她喜欢帮它们修剪指甲 She loved to sit and chat with them 她喜欢和它们一起坐着聊天 She loved to wear a hat with them 她喜欢和它们一起戴帽子 She loved to fill her lap with them 她喜欢让它们窝在自己的腿上 She loved to take a nap with them 她喜欢和它们一起睡午觉