【复仇者联盟2】Sex Life of the Avengers

【复仇者联盟2】Sex Life of the Avengers

2015-05-12    11'33''

主播: DavicDai

3307 154

大家好,学英语时间又到啦!今天说点什么呢?我们来聊聊万众瞩目的、今天上映的《复仇者联盟2》。这是一部Marvel漫威公司的作品,漫威最成功的地方就在于,建立了一个众多超级英雄共存的世界,主线、支线齐头并进,甚至让一些热爱漫威的美国年轻nurd们认为,漫威的世界真的可能存在。下面这位nurd,可谓是nurd中nurd,nurd中的战斗nurd,他居然写了一篇文章,盘点哪些超人到底和哪些超人睡过……我也真是……醉了。文章挺好看,但是有轻微剧透,我尽量绕开剧情给大家讲。 The Avengers' Sex Lives Are More Complicated Than They Seem Now, with all the controversy over the past few weeks, you may well have begun to imagine that, the entire Avengers: Age of Ultron cast is enormously preoccupied with whether or not their characters are sleeping with one another - even more so than the rest of us are. In actual fact, they have a fairly surprising set of sex lives to be preoccupied with - ones ranging from almost constant coitus all the way through to de-facto celibacy. And so, here's our close look at what the Avengers have been getting up to beneath the sheets (or, in Tony's case, pretty much everywhere). 这一段说,随着复仇者联盟错综复杂的角色关系的展开,剧组里很多人都好奇,到底他们的哪个角色和哪个角色睡过。其实呢,诸位超级英雄的sex life远比我们看起来要五花八门,从一路向西、到守身如玉的都有。所以我们就来盘点一下复仇者们在床单底下做了什么。而对于钢铁侠来说,甚至可以把“在床单底下”几个字去掉。这一段的生词,preoccupied,全神贯注、心事重重,coitus,就是……xxoo,de-facto celibacy,实事求是的单身汉。当然啦,最传神的一个用法还是beneath the sheets,让人浮想联翩啊。 Captain America Well, On one hand, he and Peggy Carter definitely got to the "we would like to have sex with each other, someday, if that fits in with the military's plans to invade Germany" stage... On the other hand, they definitely didn't actually consummate that particular desire. Similarly, though Captain and Sharon Carter definitely had some meet-cutting going on, the odds of them having slept together are pretty slim. All of which suggests that, there's a very good chance Captain is actually still a virgin. 先来看美国队长。文章说,一方面,他和Peggy Carter在40年代绝对已经到了“在不耽误攻打德国的情况下滚床单”的关系,但另一方面,他俩恰恰因为一心扑在了革命事业上,到最后也没有consummate that particular desire,也没有圆梦。后来我们知道,美国队长在当代归来之后又暧昧上了Peggy的小侄女Sharon,可能他自己也觉得自己这贵圈儿太乱了,最后也没睡了Sharon。所以,综上所述,高大威猛的美国队长……居然……还是个处男!真,真是……造孽啊。来看看英语方面,consummate,我就直接说了啊,意思就是圆房;there's a good chance blablabla,意思是很有可能,大家在口语表达中可以用这个phrase和very likely, possible什么的交替使用。 Hawkeye A comparatively easy one, after the revelations of Avengers: Age of Ultron. Being a good dude, and having been married for what seems to have been a pretty long time, there's a very good chance that the only person Clint has slept with in the last decade or so, is his wife, as played by Linda Cardellini. And for anyone who grew up watching Freaks and Geeks, it is also known as "winning at life". 下面来说鹰眼,也就是没怎么追漫威的我称其为“射箭侠”的那个黑衣男。本来他的性史也是扑朔迷离的,好在到了这一集奥创时代真相大白了,人家有Linda Cardellini这样的漂亮老婆,还有仨孩子,再考虑到他在漫威系列电影里一贯的good dude——老好人形象,这个Linda Cardellini应该就是Hawkeye在最近十几年里睡过的唯一的女人。作者在这幽了一默,说,Hawkeye如果放在Freaks and Geeks(怪胎与书呆)里,绝对是个人生的赢家,因为Linda Cardellini是那部没有俊男美女的剧里,绝对是女神。这一段的英语学习点不多,"winning at life"意为人生赢家,其他没有什么了。 Black Widow Things started to be interesting from here. One person Hawkeye has almost certainly slept with is Black Widow, not matter what comments Jeremy Renner makes. And she similarly has almost certainly done the undercover boogaloo with Captain America. The reason? They're all just friends (who happen to be super good-looking, which is why we all keep imagining them having sex with each other). Now, on the other hand, Natasha may well have gotten a whole lot more intimate with Bruce Banner. But given we didn't see it happen on screen, there's just as much chance that, their relationship never managed to get much further than furtive hand-holding, and awkward discussions about their Gamma-radiation-filled future together. 下面来看Black widow,不管是看名字,还是看斯嘉丽-约翰逊那张漂亮的脸,都很容易联想到,她饰演的角色,性关系肯定是最为错综复杂的。没错,这个女人,上一集差点和Hawkeye睡了(不管演Hawkeye的演员Jeremy Renner愿不愿意承认),而且,她也如出一辙地差点和美国队长有了一腿。为啥我们这么爱联想黑寡妇呢?谁让他们都是朋友,谁让他们都那么好看,谁让女超人这么少呢!好了,到了最新上映的复联2,黑寡妇又和Bruce Banner,也就是绿巨人来了一次超亲密接触。但由于电影里没演,所以睡没睡不太好说,估计也就是白手拉绿手,一起聊聊未来、聊聊伽马射线而已。下面来看精彩的语言描述,第一个地方,she has done the undercover boogaloo with Captain America. undercover的意思是偷偷摸摸,而boogaloo是一种节奏很强的摇摆舞,这俩词儿往一块儿这么一放,是不是很有画面感呢?再往下看本段最后一句,get much further than,不过怎样怎样而已,赶快拿小本记下来! Thor Thor, being the Norse God of Thunder, will almost certainly have had sweaty, mead-drenched naughty fun-times with a whole lot of people, quite possibly from a variety of different realms, genders, species and levels of giant-ism. There's also a decent chance that he and the lady Sif have had some interesting post-battle discussions about exactly what Thor should have done with his hammer. The only character we can be reasonably sure he has, in fact, slept with, is Jane Foster , seemingly having spent a whole lot of time getting reacquainted in Asgard. 什么?雷神也有性生活?开玩笑!雷神的性生活是全文写的最精彩的一段,我们细细来看。文章说,作为一个挪威人心中的大神,肯定少不了sweaty汗津津的,mead-drenched滚草地的,naughty fun-times淘气的,欢愉时光。而且对象是different realms, genders, species and levels of giant-ism,不同圈子的,不同性别的,不同种类的和不同级别的……巨人,什么的。而且雷神还有个情侣叫lady Sif,他俩在并肩战斗之余,肯定也曾经讨论过雷神的斧子到底还能拿来做什么。天啊,翻译到这里,纯洁的我已经脸红了!但是不能不说的是,跟雷神睡过的证据最为确凿的女性,是Jane Foster,也就是雷神的天庭正牌女友。 Hulk Now, on one hand, there seems to be a pretty good chance that Betty Ross and Bruce Banner were once pretty physically intimate, but that was before Banner became the Hulk, and there's also a pretty good chance that Bruce has been celibate ever since. Becoming Hulk isn't why they're not together, but that probably doesn't make either of them feel any better about it. 下面来看绿巨人,绿巨人的春天就跟一个绕口令一样。话说看过绿巨人的朋友肯定知道,绿巨人在没有变成绿巨人之前,有个女朋友,叫Betty Ross,俩人一度pretty physically intimate,在身体上非常亲密。但自打绿巨人变成绿巨人开始,绿巨人估计就单着了。虽然变成绿巨人不是分手的理由,但变成绿巨人肯定也不会增进二人的感情。好在在新的一集里,黑寡妇不嫌弃绿巨人变身绿巨人,最终接受了绿巨人,可惜绿巨人他最后……好了,我不剧透了,各位自己去影院看吧。 Iron Man So, the big surprise so far? Most of the Avengers are most likely getting a whole lot less action than you'd probably imagine. Except, of course, for Tony Stark, who spent most of the Iron Man films either hooking up with reporters, somehow getting together with Dr. Maya Hansen, or flirting his way through half the world, before eventually persuading Pepper Potts to make the clearly unwise decision to go out with him on a full-time basis. Or, in other words? If any of the Avengers cast feel the need to refer to one of their cast members' characters as a "slut" when it comes time to promote Captain America: Civil War, it probably ought to be Tony Stark, circa Iron Man. 最后,是复仇者联盟里性经历最让人surprised的一个人。很多帅气的超人们,他们的action并没有你想象得多,但Tony Stark钢铁侠绝对是例外!看过钢铁侠电影的人都知道,这一系列剧不好说是打片还是言情片。因为钢铁侠在电影里要不就在勾搭女记者,要不就不知道怎么和Dr. Hansen套上了近乎,再不然就跟Pepper Potts煲电话粥调情,说服人家做了一个最傻的决定——当他女朋友。插一句,这里作者使用的排比句不错,值得学习。作者在最后还给2016年上映的美国队长3提了个建议,说如果需要有一个演员黑化成slut——荡妇的形象,那这个人肯定非钢铁侠莫属。 好吧,今天的学习就到这里了!Iron man居然是最大的potential slut,以后还能不能愉快地一起玩耍了!让我一个人伤心一会儿……在我开始伤心之前,最后嘱咐各位英语学习者一句,这篇文章由于是网友自己写的,所以它最宝贵的地方就在于非常的口语化,句子和句子的连接不一定规范,但是非常有美国味儿。此外,一些具体的短语搭配非常有意思,值得大家学习。好吧,就到这儿了,see u tomorrow!