

2016-05-22    10'30''

主播: 央视刘欣

1950 103

这段视频刚刚在两天内被播放一亿多次。。。 I’m really excited to share with you something I got. (拍手) OK, I went to Coles (某商店名)today and I had to make a couple returns(退货). As stuff didn’t fit. Surprisingly it was a little too big. Thank you, I know some of you may be thinking the opposite. Shame. No, no shame. It’s all love. It’s all love. OK, so, here is what I found when I was at Coles and I’d like to say that I bought this for my son, that would really really want it. And let’s be honest, he will probably “confanscate”from me…confiscate…that’s a word right? So he’ll probably take it from me. However this is mine. Like when it’s said and done, at the end of the day, this is mine that I bought, and I’m going to keep it for my own. (开始将礼物从包装里取出) You see it kind of have Star Wars…huh, you kinda get a little hint?! OK, so you want to see what I got? It’s so great, I can’t wait to show you. OK, huh, this is part of my birthday joy, still rejoicing in my birthday. And so here’s what I got, and I’m taking it out of the box and I can’t wait to show you! OK, I’m in a parking lot(停车场) and people are literally looking at me like I’m crazy, but I don’treally care. OK, so here it is. … it may be a little tight(紧). Maybe I gotta undo it just a little bit, hold on, hold on, stay patient people, stay patient(耐心点儿). This is gonna be worth it I promise, maybe not maybe not, but (哈哈哈) it was worth it to me! And I have to share with my friends on Internet webs. So here is what…(哈哈哈) I’m having trouble getting it…OK patient, patient, alright, we are doing good. OK, so this is what I got, once again this for me, not for Duncan,not for Katense, I mean I will let them play with it, I’m not a bad mum, I’m not a jerk(混蛋), but in all honesty at the end of the day, it doesn’t go in their toy box, it goes into my room. So here we go. (摘下眼镜) I got to get off my glasses for it. (大笑) oh, Naturally, OK, here we go. Yes, now watch me when my mouth actually moves. (面具自己发出怪声)(大笑)that’s not me making that noise, it’s the mask!!! Here listen, (爆笑,面具持续发出怪声,女子边笑边拍腿) I’m such a happy Chewbacca楚巴卡! (继续爆笑) Oh, oh, this is worth every penny! (爆笑。。。)Ican’t stop, I gotta stop…