偶尔冒泡的叔的咖啡馆之叁拾壹 秒速五厘米 英语独白

偶尔冒泡的叔的咖啡馆之叁拾壹 秒速五厘米 英语独白

2017-06-04    06'24''

主播: brownh

1872 5

樱花抄: 听说秒速是5厘米 They say it's five centimeters per second. 嗯?什么? Huh? What is that? 樱花瓣下落的速度 The speed at which cherry blossoms fall. 每秒钟5厘米 It's five centimeters per second. 那个瞬间 At that moment... 我感觉自己突然明白了所谓的永恒 ...I felt like I understood things like the existence of eternity, 心心相依的感觉 the heart and the soul 觉得好像将这13年间的点点滴滴都与对方分享 I felt as though we had shared all the experiences of my 13 years. 然后 在下一个瞬间 却是难以忍受的悲伤 And the next moment.I became unbearably sad. 我感受她紧贴我的温暖,却不知所所措的悲伤,也不知要怎样安放那颗心 Sad because I didn't know what to do with her warmth against me, or what to do with that soul… 我应该坚持多久呢 or how long I should hold onto then 但我明确地知道 今后 我们无法永远在一起 I also came to the realization that… we would not be able to stay together… 在我们之间 无情地横陈着 The overwhelming weight of our lives to come… 对我们而言还过于沉重的人生和难以跨越的时间 ...and the uncertainty of time hung over us. But soon, all my fears began to melt away 可是 侵袭我的不安 最终还是慢慢地消去 剩下的 只有明里柔软的双唇 leaving only Akari's soft lips on mine. 那一夜 我们是在田野旁的一个小屋里度过的 That night, we stayed in a tiny shack by the corner of a field. 裹着厚厚的毯子 聊了很久 Wrapped up in an old blanket, we talked all night… 最后不知不觉中进入了梦乡 …until finally, we fell asleep 早晨 我坐上了第一班电车 和明里分别了 The next morning, when the train started, I got ready to leave. And there, Akari and I said goodbye..