中英语 诗歌 A penny from heaven 天堂的便士

中英语 诗歌 A penny from heaven 天堂的便士

2017-07-23    08'09''

主播: brownh

544 17

A penny from heaven I found a penny today Just laying on the ground, But it's not just a penny This little coin I've found. Found pennies come from heaven That's what my Grandpa told me, He said Angels toss them down. Oh, How I loved that story. He said when an Angel misses you They toss a penny down, Sometimes just to cheer you up To make a smile out of your frown. So don't pass by that penny When you're feeling blue, It may be a penny from heaven That an Angel's tossed to you . 天堂的便士 今天我在地上 捡到一个便士, 但我捡到的这枚小小硬币 不仅仅是一个便士。 爷爷曾对我说 那可是来自天堂的便士 是天使所赐。 哦, 我可真喜欢这个故事。 他说当某个天使想你时 就会将一个便士抛下尘世, 有时仅仅是想让你打起精神 让你愁眉紧锁的脸重绽笑容。 所以当你心情沮丧时 就不要将那个便士忽视, 也许那就是天堂里 某个天使抛给你的便士