2019.02.06 一次愉快的相亲

2019.02.06 一次愉快的相亲

2019-02-07    02'42''

主播: 长沙万达美联

416 4

情景对话 A: Hey, Dan, let me introduce. This is Lily. And Lily, this is Dan. Have fun and make a chance to get to know each other. B: Sit down please. Let's have something to drin k. What would you like? C: A cup of coffee. Thanks. B: oK. I like coffee too. Waiter, two cups of coffee, please Nice day, huh? Uh, do you like movies? Who is your favorite movie star? C: Pitt. Brad Pitt. His talented performance impresses me a lot. And he is so handsome B: Yeah, I also think he is a fantastic actor, full of passion. His great performance sets him apart. Oh, I just know a film in which he acts the leading role is on in the cinema. Would you like to go with me? C: Sure, I'd love to. We have some similarities B: OK, let's go. Well, we have plenty of time. How about walking there while enjoying a little fresh air C:Great. I like your arrangement. Let's go. B: The film is great. Did you like it? C: Yes. I had a nice evening B: Really? Does that mean I can ask you out again C: Sure, you gave me a good first impression, and it's my honor. B: So can I have your phone number? C: Here's my name card. B: Thank you. So I'll call you later. C: OK.