

2019-03-04    02'39''

主播: 长沙万达美联

400 5

A:Hey, Maria, congratulations! You won the best actress, excited, huh? But why do you look so upset B: Hi, Jack. I know I'm supposed to be happy, but I feel bad lately. I think I saw something like a ghost A: Ghost? That is superstition. I don,'t believe it at all. You don't believe in religion, do you? B:No, but I really saw one. It was so quirky A: Are you sure it's not your hallucination? B: No, I'm very conscious. I saw a shadow following me on my way home. Several days in a row! And I even saw it floating past my window. A: Oh, I know! It must be a fan who follows you. You're a famous actress now, remember? B: OK, maybe. But it still bothers me. You know, a famous director offers me an opportunity to act as the leading actress. But A: But... It's about ghosts? Then you want to give up? B:I understand it's a good script A:That’s ridiculous! Do you believe there is god that exists? Come on! As an excellent actress, you should challenge it. B: The most bothersome thing is that the site is near the graveyard A: It's a good chance for you to overcome you B: OK, I'll take it
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