

2019-03-05    02'09''

主播: 长沙万达美联

358 3

A: I can't believe my eyes, Bill. Are you having a salad for lunch? No hamburger B: I have got used to it, John. I'm off burgers for good. Most fast food is loaded with sodium A: I know. But why you sudden interest in lessening your sodium intake B: My doctor says I should cut back on sodium-rich foods to lower my blood pressure A: Do you have hypertension? I would have thought you were too young for that B: Actually, my blood pressure isn't that high yet, but they say it increases with age A: Well, I'm glad you're starting to pay more attention to your diet B:. I want to lower my risk of heart attack and stroke, too A: So do I. That's why I've been trying to lower my cholesterol leve B: I've noticed you've been munching away on lots of fruits and vegetables recently A: That's right. I could lose a few pounds, too B: Great. Maybe we can be"diet buddies". You know. we can keep an eye on each other. A: Ha ha, that's funny
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