2019.4.20 美甲💅

2019.4.20 美甲💅

2019-05-09    02'16''

主播: 长沙万达美联

519 5

A: My nails grow really quickly and they break off easily. I’ve tried nailing hardeners, but they don’t seem to help. 我的指甲长得非常快,但是很容易折断。我尝试用过指甲硬化剂,但好像没有什么效果。 B: male partners should be used to wear nails are Bendy and flexible, rather than they are brittle and prone to snapping. 指甲硬化剂适用于柔软,易弯曲的指甲,并不适用于松脆,易断的指甲。 A: How can I varnish my nails? 怎样才能让指甲更光亮? B: Before painting nails, ensure that your finger nails are oil free. You can wipe them clean with nail polish remover. 刷指甲油之前,一定要确保指甲表面是干净无油的。可以用洗甲水轻轻的擦拭指甲表面。 A: Do you have any tips on filing my nails? 关于指甲修理的形状,你有什么建议吗? B: Too often, we’re tempted to saw our nails from side to side. This is the worst thing. Make sure your nails are totally dry before you begin to shape them to avoid splitting or tearing. 人们经常会来回磨指甲,这样不对,对指甲伤害很大,另外在打磨指甲之前要确保指甲是干的,以免指甲发生断裂。 A: What is the correct way to file nails? 正确的修指甲的方法是怎样的呢? B: First, position the nail file at a 45-degree angle under the nail; and then file the nails from the left-hand corner to the center of the nail for a few long gentle strokes. If necessary, use nail clippers to shorten to nail first. 首先将锉刀以45角度放置于指甲下方,从指甲的左边慢慢磨到中间,如果有必要的话,先把指甲磨短一点再修。 A: Can you recommend some popular nail shapes? 最近比较流行的指甲形状有哪些呢? B: This summer it is all about round shapes for short nails and almond shaped for long nails. 今年夏天的流行趋势是短指甲修成圆形,长指甲修成椭圆形。
上一期: 2019.4.18 护发
下一期: 2019.4.21 护肤化妆