2019.4.25 手表

2019.4.25 手表

2019-05-09    01'54''

主播: 长沙万达美联

655 3

A:Hello. What’s that shining thing on your wrist? Let me see. Oh, a new watch! So beautiful! 嗨,你手上亮闪闪的东西是什么?一块新手表,好漂亮呀! B: Uh, thank you. It’s my birthday present chosen elaborately by my mother. 谢谢,那是我妈妈精心帮我挑选的生日礼物。 A: Do you like those decorations which can embellish you,such as watch, had and necklace? 你喜欢那些装饰用的饰品吗?比如手表帽子项链什么的。 B: As a matter of fact, I don’t like these decorations. But watch is an exception. It can be used to master time. And I think it is a good habit to cherish time and be punctual. 事实上,我不是很喜欢饰品,但是手表是个例外号。因为它可以用来掌握时间,而且我认为收时准时是个好习惯。 A: I hold the same view with you about time. But I don’t agree with you on the necessity of watch. In fact with the popularity of mobile phones that can be used to learn and set time. Watch is a decoration more than a time keeper. 在时间上,我们的观点是一致的,但是我不认为手机是必需品。事实上,随着手机的普及,人们越来越常用手机来计时,手表已经更像是一种配饰了,而不是计时器。 A: I suggest you’d better not use mobile phone to keep time because radiation may lead to disease. 我建议你想用手机来计时,因为手机辐射可能会带来疾病。 B:Indeed, is a problem worthy to be considered. 这倒也是应该要考虑这一点的。 A:Oh. It’s 1 p.m. now. Would you like to have dinner with me? 已经中午一点了,一起吃饭吗? B:Yes, it’s my horror. Let’s go. 好啊, 走吧。
上一期: 2019.4.24 钱包
下一期: 2019.4.27 儿童教育