Unit7 Seasons

Unit7 Seasons

2017-06-12    10'40''

主播: 虾米妈咪🎥

456 5

Words: spring 春天 summer 夏天 fall 秋天 winter 冬天 Sentences: It's spring. It's rainy. 春天啦,下雨啦! It's summer. It's sunny. 夏天啦,天气晴朗! It's fall. It's windy. 秋天啦,刮风啦! It's winter. It's snowy. 冬天啦,下雪啦! Story: The Ugly Duckly 丑小鸭 It's a hot summer. 一个炎热的夏天。 The mother duck is looking at her eggs. 鸭妈妈在看着她的小鸭蛋。 She is very happy, and she is waiting. 幸福地等待着孩子们的诞生。 "Quack!Quack!" “嘎嘎!嘎嘎!” The baby ducklings come out one by one. 鸭宝宝一个接一个地破壳而出。 But the biggest egg is still there. 但是最大的那个鸭蛋一直没有动静。 At last, the dulling comes out. 终于,小鸭子出壳了。 This duckling is very big and ugly. 这只小鸭子长的又大又丑。 So they all call him "the ugly duckling."于是大家都叫他“丑小鸭”。 The ugly duckling is lonely.丑小鸭很孤独。 No one loves him.没人爱他。 His brothers and sisters don't want to play with him.兄弟姐妹们都不想和他一起玩。 The roosters say to his mother,"He is so ugly.He is not your child."公鸡对鸭妈妈说:“他太丑了,他不是你的孩子。” The mother duck is very sad.鸭妈妈听了很伤心。 The ugly duckling cries, then he goes away.丑小鸭哭着离开了。 He walks and walks.他走啊走! Then he sees a small house.他看到一座小房子。 In the house, there is an old lady and a dog.房子里住着一个老奶奶和一只狗。 The ugly duckling asks:"Can I stay here?"丑小鸭问老奶奶:“我可以住在这儿吗?” The old lady says:"OK. You can stay."老奶奶说:“可以啊!你可以住在这儿!” But the dog doesn't like him.So he goes away again.但是老奶奶的狗不喜欢丑小鸭,于是丑小鸭又离开了。