人生有太多意外,时间却尤其短暂,有些时候,当困难挫折蜂拥而至,压的你透不过气,不妨从窘困的生活里逃走,换一个心情,调整好自己。以更加积极的态度面对生活,才是珍惜青春,珍惜时光的方法,不要让痛苦的记忆笼罩这绝无仅有的youth。 YOUTH - Troye Sivan What if what if we run away What if what if we left today What if we said goodbye to safe and sound What if what if we're hard to find What if what if we lost our minds What if we let them fall behind and they're never found And when the lights start flashing like a photobooth And the stars exploding we'll be fireproof My youth my youth is yours Trippin' on skies sippin' waterfalls My youth my youth is yours Run away now and forevermore My youth my youth is yours A truth so loud you can't ignore My youth my youth my youth My youth is yours What if what if we start to drive What if what if we close our eyes What if we're speeding through red lights into paradise Cause we've no time for getting old Mortal body timeless souls Cross your fingers here we go And when the lights start flashing like a photobooth And the stars exploding we'll be fireproof My youth my youth is yours Trippin' on skies sippin' waterfalls My youth my youth is yours Run away now and forevermore My youth my youth is yours A truth so loud you can't ignore My youth my youth my youth My youth is yours My youth is yours My youth my youth is yours Trippin' on skies sippin' waterfalls My youth my youth is yours Run away now and forevermore My youth my youth is yours A truth so loud you can't ignore My youth my youth my youth My youth is yours My youth is yours My youth is yours
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