2*Someone to love,我们并不孤单

2*Someone to love,我们并不孤单

2015-12-18    04'08''

主播: 李李小姐Lyn

366 13

Finally she came along 终于,她还是来了 broke the spell and set me free 打破了魔咒,让我自由了 Pushed aside what used to be 推开过去种种回忆 Oh the broken heart it meant it once was me 噢,那颗已破碎的心只是意味着曾经是我的而已 I never gave it up, I always believe 可我曾从未放弃,我总是坚信 When she's in my arms I know what I achieved 当她在我怀里我就知道何为我所需 So hear me loneliness, I'm giving up on you 请听我说,寂寞,我要弃你而去 I don't need you anymore. 我再也不需要你 I found what I've been looking for 因我已找到我一直在寻找的东西 So hear me emptiness, I got no room for you 请听我说,空虚,我心里已没有你的一席之地 I finally found what I've been dreaming of 我终于找到我魂牵梦绕的那个人 Someone to love 一个深爱的人 Cause I was lost, I was down and out 因为我迷失过,也沉沦过 Until that day, I knew what my life was all about 直到那一天,我终于明白了我生命的意义 Still wonder how, she came my way 虽然她的到来仍让我不知所措 She's the reason, I'm smiling here today 但她就是我如今微笑的原因 So hear me loneliness, I'm giving up on you 请听我说,寂寞,我要弃你而去 I don't need you anymore. 我再也不需要你 I found what I've been looking for 因我已找到我一直在寻找的东西 So hear me emptiness, I got no room for you 请听我说,空虚,我心里已没有你的一席之地 I finally found what I've been dreaming of 我终于找到我魂牵梦绕的那个人 Someone to love, to hold 一个与我相爱的、相拥的,能给我鼓舞的人