I've never been to me

I've never been to me

2017-08-28    07'32''

主播: 雨一🐰

165 2

只有我们学会了珍惜,我们才有资格拥有 独白 Hey,you know what paradise is?It's a lie. 嘿,你知道天堂是什么吗?那是个谎言。 A fantasy we create about people and places as w'd like them to be. 一个为我们所期望的人们和地方创造的幻想 But you know what truth is? 但是你知道生活的真相是什么吗? It's that little baby you're holding. 就是你手中正抱着小宝宝。 It's that man you fought with this morning. 白天和那个男人吵架。 The same one you're going to make love with tonight. 晚上你却愿意和他做爱。 That's truth,that's love. 那就是生活,那就是爱情。
上一期: 白昼明媚·六个梦
下一期: 想说给你听