【tips】成为好的交谈者How to have a great conversation part 3

【tips】成为好的交谈者How to have a great conversation part 3

2016-07-04    01'40''

主播: Amber PAN

242 13

Number six: Don't equate your experience with theirs. ​ 第六条:不要把自己的经历和他人比较。 If they're talking about having lost a family member​, don't start to talking about the time you lost a family member. 如果对方谈论失去了家人,不要就势开始说你失去家人的事情。 ​If they're talking about the trouble they're having at work, don't tell them about how much you hate your job. 如果对方在说工作上的困扰,不要告诉他们你多么讨厌你的工作。 ​It's not the same. It is never the same. ​All experiences are individual. 这不一样的,永远不可能一样。任何经历都是独一无二的。 And, more importantly, it is not about you. You don't need totake that moment to prove how amazing you are or how much you're suffered. 而且,更重要的是,这不是在谈论你的事。你不需要在此刻证明你多么能干,或者你经受了多少痛苦。 Somebody asked Stephen Hawking once what his IQ was, and he said, 'I have no idea. People who brag about their IQs are losers.' 有人曾问史蒂芬*霍金他的智商是多少,他回答道:”我不知道。拿智商吹牛的人都是屌丝。“ Conversations are not a promotional opportunity. 交谈不是用来推销自己的。 ​ Number seven: ​Try not to repeat yourself. 第七条:尽量别重复自己的话。 ​It's condescending, and it's really boring, and we tend to do it a lot. 这很咄咄逼人,也很无聊。但我们很容易这样做。 Especially in work conversations or in conversations with our kids, we have a point to make, so we just keep rephrasing it over and over. 尤其是在工作交谈中,或者和孩子的交谈中。我们想声明一个观点,于是换着方式不停地说。 Don't do that. 别这样。 ​ Number eight: Stay out of the weeds. 第八条:少说废话。 ​Frankly, people don't care about the years, the names, the dates, all the details that you're struggling to come up with in your mind. 说白了,没人在乎那些年份,名字,日期等等这些你努力试图在脑中回想的种种细节。 They don't care. What they care about is you. 别人不在乎。他们关注的是你。 They care about what you're like, what you have in common. 对方关心你是什么样的人,和你有什么共同点。 So forget the details. Leave them out. 所以忘掉细节吧。别管它们。 ​