Shinbashi 新橋,启程

Shinbashi 新橋,启程

2020-07-25    89'38''


658 1

很少出现在旅游攻略的新桥,其实是东京文化的缩影。这里可以遇见最真实的工薪族,也是日本上班族的代名词。有过银行,咨询,广告与互联网工作经验的我们,一同聊一聊日本“奇葩”的面试制度,还有有趣和奇怪的日本职场。 Shinbashi, which rarely appears in tourist guides, is actually the epitome of Tokyo culture. Here you can meet the most real wage earners, and it is also synonymous with Japanese office salarymen. We four have worked in banking, consulting, advertising and the Internet industries. Let’s talk about Japan’s "peculiar" interview system, as well as interesting and unique Japanese work culture. 关注我们的微博 @Tokyo_Stations 与我们互动,分享你收听节目的想法、见解与感想。 主播:方枪枪,黄大姐,秦老板,小狐狸 品牌设计:哦小普 剪辑制作:哦小普,秦老板 监制:哦小普 by (kbys) studio
下一期: Roppongi 六本木,大人的社交场