Kagurazaka 神楽坂,隐世“小京都”

Kagurazaka 神楽坂,隐世“小京都”

2020-09-16    52'18''


657 4

许多人都知道镰仓有着京都世外桃源的氛围,但你们知道吗?在东京的喧闹中心也有一个大隐于市的“小京都” - 神乐坂。这里有现代又古典的神社,富有新意与传承文化的祭祀,还有隐藏于只能侧身而过的小弄中,精致的日式料亭与茶寮。在东京玩闹一圈过后,来神乐坂品茶吃和菓是值得尝试的体验。 Many people know that Kamakura has the atmosphere of a paradise in Kyoto, but there’s something you don’t know. In the noisy center of Tokyo, there is also a hidden "little Kyoto" - Kagurazaka. There are modern and classic temples, rituals full of novelty and cultural heritage, entire and Japanese-style pavilions and tea houses hidden in small alleys. After chilling around in Tokyo city, come to Kagurazaka for tea and wagashi is also an experience worth trying. 关注我们的微博 @Tokyo_Stations 与我们互动,分享你收听节目的想法、见解与感想。 主播:方枪枪,黄大姐,秦老板,小狐狸 品牌设计:哦小普 剪辑制作:哦小普,秦老板 监制:哦小普 by (kbys) studio