Haneda Airport 羽田空港,展开更多未来

Haneda Airport 羽田空港,展开更多未来

2020-12-01    61'41''


845 12

2020 年的我们被限制了脚步,旅行被按下了暂停键。 在多数人眼中,羽田机场不只是一座交通枢纽,也是休憩与约会的不二场所。如果把旅行比作一部电影,机场就是这部电影的开篇与结尾,上演着不同剧集。 这一年即将过去,我们都期待着即将展开的新旅行。 In 2020, our pace was restricted and travel was forced to suspend. In most people&`&s eyes, Haneda Airport is a transportation hub and a perfect place for rest and dating. If you compare travel to a movie, the airport is the beginning and end of this movie, with different staged episodes. This year is about to pass, and we are all looking forward to the upcoming trip. 关注我们的微博 @Tokyo_Stations 与我们互动,分享你收听节目的想法、见解与感想。 主播:黄大姐,秦老板,方枪枪,小狐狸 品牌设计:哦小普 剪辑制作:哦小普,秦老板 监制:哦小普 Produced by (kbys) studio