出轨不是你想出,想出就能出——Miss Chan

出轨不是你想出,想出就能出——Miss Chan

2016-12-22    03'19''

主播: GD狂粉

256 2

affair 外遇 Rumor has it that Lisa is having an affair with the president. 传言说Lisa跟总统有一腿。 He admits that he's had an affair while they were dating. 他承认在他们好的时候出轨过。 two-time 劈腿 Tom used to two-time his partner more than once. 汤姆之前不止一次的劈腿。 two-timer 劈腿者 I saw Sarah with another boy. Can't believe she's a two-timer. 我看到Sarah跟另一个男的在一起。 真不敢相信她会脚踩两只船。