美剧收视率普遍从第二季开始下滑?——Miss Chan

美剧收视率普遍从第二季开始下滑?——Miss Chan

2017-02-14    03'01''

主播: GD狂粉

380 2

out to lunch 心不在焉;发疯的 She's completely out to lunch. Don't listen to what she says. 她脑子进水了 别听她瞎说 crack me up 惹笑我了 OMG, you crack me up. This is the funniest joke ever. 艾玛,你真逗死我了 这绝对是最好笑的段子 jump the shark 收视率下滑 A lot of shows jump the shark from season two. 许多美剧第二季开始就不行了 pot belly 大肚子 Look at his pot belly. A baby could sit on it. 瞧瞧他的啤酒肚 小孩都可以坐上去了 补充 ▼ stuff /stʌf/ n. 东西;材料 v. 塞满;装满 一定要注意的是 它作名词时是不可数的 本身就表示一堆东西 没有stuffs这种说法 You could just put my stuff there. 你把我东西放那就可以了