就这样,你感冒了——Miss Chan

就这样,你感冒了——Miss Chan

2017-02-16    01'58''

主播: GD狂粉

357 0

running nose 流鼻涕 I got a running nose and the tissues are out. 我一直流鼻涕 纸巾都被用完了 dizzy 头昏 I'm a bit dizzy. Staying in bed is what I'm gonna do today. 整个人头昏脑涨 今天就准备待床上了 no appetite 无食欲 I totally lost my appetite today. 我今天一点食欲都没有 fatigued 乏力的 Don't let me clean the room. I feel fatigued AF. 别让我整理房间 我现在一点劲儿都没