英文绘本《The Napping House 》打瞌睡的房子

英文绘本《The Napping House 》打瞌睡的房子

2016-11-10    04'35''

主播: 月亮树阅读联盟

1876 11

童书简介 •作者:唐•伍德、奥德丽•伍德(Don and Audrey Wood) •适合年龄:2岁或以上 《打瞌睡的房子》从发行以来深受读者的喜爱,重复的词组很适合初次阅读的读者。在一个下雨天的下午,奶奶在舒适的床上打呼噜。小孩子爬上去睡觉,接着,狗、猫、老鼠都睡上去了,直到跳蚤咬了老鼠,连锁反应之下,全屋子都醒过来了。 内容: The Napping House 打瞌睡的房子 There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 有一个房子,打瞌睡的房子,每个人都在那里睡觉。 And in that house there is a bed, a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 在这个房子里面有张床,在打瞌睡的房子里面有一张舒适的床,每个人都在那里睡觉。 And on that bed there is a granny, a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 在这张床上面有个老奶奶,在打瞌睡的房子里面有个老奶奶在舒适的床上面,每个人都在那里睡觉。 And on that granny there is a child, a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 在那个老奶奶上面有个小孩,在打瞌睡的房子里面,在舒适的床上面,一个睡着的小孩在打呼噜的老奶奶上面,每个人都在那里睡觉。 And on that child there is a dog, a dozing dog on a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 在那个小孩上面有一只狗,在每个人都在睡觉的打瞌睡的房子里面,在舒适的床上面,在打呼噜的老奶奶上面,在睡着的小孩上面的一只昏昏欲睡的狗。 And on that dog there is a cat, a snoozing cat on a dozing dog on a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 在那只狗上面有一只猫,在每个人都在睡觉的打瞌睡的房子里面,在舒适的床上面,在打呼噜的老奶奶上面,在睡着的小孩上面,在昏昏欲睡的狗上面的一只小睡中的猫。 And on that cat there is a mouse, a slumbering mouse on a snoozing cat on a dozing dog on a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. 在那只猫上面有一只老鼠,在每个人都在睡觉的打瞌睡的房子里面,在舒适的床上面,在打呼噜的老奶奶上面,在睡着的小孩上面,在昏昏欲睡的狗上面,在小睡中的猫上面的一只安睡中的老鼠。 And on that mouse there is a flea.... 在那只老鼠上面有一只跳蚤.... Can it be? A wakeful flea on a slumbering mouse on a snoozing cat on a dozing dog on a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house. 这可能吗?在那只安睡中的老鼠上面有一只不眠的跳蚤,在每个人都在睡觉的打瞌睡的房子里面,在舒适的床上面,在打呼噜的老奶奶上面,在睡着的小孩上面,在昏昏欲睡的狗上面,在小睡中的猫上面,在安睡中的老鼠上面的一只跳蚤。 A wakeful flea who bites the mouse, 不眠的跳蚤咬老鼠, who scares the cat, 老鼠吓到猫, who claws the dog, 猫抓到狗, who thumps the child, 狗捶打到小孩, who bumps the granny, 小孩撞到老奶奶, who breaks the bed, 老奶奶弄坏了床, in the napping house, where no one now is sleeping. 他们在打瞌睡房子里面,现在没有人睡着。