《孤独的根三》(David Feinberg,150401)

《孤独的根三》(David Feinberg,150401)

2015-04-01    05'56''

主播: 新季夜读诗

225 12

作者:David Feinberg 夜读:琴音,Jake.W 原文: 我害怕,永远地做一个 孤独的根三。 三,原本是个美好的数字, 我的三,却偏偏要被那丑恶的平方根压制。 我多么渴望啊—— 倘若,我是九: 相约便得两个美丽的三, 运算亦无需复杂的公式。 但我知道, 我的命运与九相斥: 他生活在明媚日光下, 而我的身影 却永远蜷缩于日食。 我不愿相信也无法忍受, 这没有尽头的黑暗—— 就像我的1.73205…… 直到那一天, 当我看到了另一个根三。 她的舞裙随风摆动, 从那一刻,我将永远记得她的面容。 我牵过她的手—— 我们相乘, 那梦寐以求的三啊 成为了我与她爱情的见证! 爱的力量, 竟如此恢弘—— 让孤单者不再落寞, 平庸乃至卑贱的根三 也在浪漫中得以升腾! i fear that i will always be A lonely number like root three A three is all that&`&s good and right Why must my three keep out of sight Beneath a vicious square-root sign? I wish instead I were a nine For nine could thwart this evil trick With just some quick arithmetic I know i&`&ll never see the sun As 1.7321 Such is my reality A sad irrationality When,hark,just what is this I see? Another square root of a three Has quietly come waltzing by Together now we multiply To form a number we prefer Rejoicing as an integer We break free from our mortal bonds And with a wave of magic wands Our square-root signs become unglued And love for me has been renewed