【News 100 |S20D35 】Phase II D2-0331

【News 100 |S20D35 】Phase II D2-0331

2024-03-31    01'02''

主播: CIDE_论辩与口译

123 0

慢速新闻口译33天第2天 支持者说,该法案保护儿童免受可能的网络伤害,包括对心理健康和隐私的威胁。 一些反对者表示,他们认为父母--而不是政府--应该决定哪些限制措施对他们的孩子最好。 English Version of Special English News Day 1 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a law that bans children in the state under the age of 14 from having a social media account. The measure requires parental permission before 14 and 15 year olds can sign up for personal social media accounts in Florida.