【News 100 |S20D60】Phase II D27-0425

【News 100 |S20D60】Phase II D27-0425

2024-04-25    01'00''

主播: CIDE_论辩与口译

169 0

慢速新闻口译33天第27天 韩国宪法法院开始审理一起案件,该案件指控政府未能通过应对气候变化来保护200人。 这起案件于周二在首尔开庭审理,其中包括许多年轻的环保活动人士和儿童。 提起法律诉讼的人或原告表示,这是亚洲第一起与气候有关的案件。 English Version of Special English News Day 26 A new report from two international climate agencies has found that Europe is the fastest-warming major land mass in the world. The report for 2023 is a product of the United Nation's World Meteorological Organization and the European Union's climate agency, Copernicus.