【News 100 |S20D64】Phase II D31-0429

【News 100 |S20D64】Phase II D31-0429

2024-05-02    01'00''

主播: CIDE_论辩与口译

50 0

慢速新闻口译33天第31天 随着致命的热浪席卷东南亚,官员们关闭了学校,并发布了健康警告。 在菲律宾,教育部周日宣布,公立学校的面授课程将取消两天。 未来三天,菲律宾气温预计将达到37摄氏度。 English Version of Special English News Day 30 American researchers have developed a new model of what they say is the largest 3D printer in the world. The device is designed to build full-sized homes faster and for less money than traditional methods. A team at the University of Maine said the printer is four times larger than the last one the university built in 2019.