【News 100 |S20D67】Phase III D1-0502

【News 100 |S20D67】Phase III D1-0502

2024-05-02    01'00''

主播: CIDE_论辩与口译

77 0

经济新闻口译33天第1天 美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)投票禁止竞业禁止协议。 这位美国反垄断律师说,近五分之一的美国人受到条款的约束,这些条款限制了他们在离开雇主后为竞争对手工作的能力,而禁令将导致更高的工资和更多的创新。 美国商会迅速向德克萨斯州一家法院提起诉讼,对这一禁令提出质疑。 English Version of Special English News Day 33 Do you spend too many nights trying to fall asleep? You are not alone. Nearly one-third of American adults say they do not get the suggested seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Some of the major causes are stress, anxiety, and a culture that experts say is about productivity, not rest.