

2016-08-23    03'40''

主播: 非西不是鱼

807 25

Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy (幻觉) So you say you wanna get away 你说你想远远逃开 We don't need a plane 不需要飞机 I could be your escape 我就是你的假期 Take you to a place 带你去个地方 Where there's no time, no space 感受不到空间和时间的流逝 I could be your private island 我是你异世界的 On a different planet 一个私人小岛 Anything could happen 什么事都可能发生 Listen to the waves 听着海浪的潮水声 Let them wash away your pain 让它带走你的伤痛 I could be your fantasy 我能当你的白日梦 I could be your fantasy 我就是你的幻觉 Underneath the plum trees 棕榈树下 You could leave your worries 把你的忧愁都抛下 Listen to the waves 听着海浪拍岸 Say you wanna get so high? 你想不想这么嗨呢? Breathe me in like air tonight 今晚像空气一样呼吸我好吗 Listen to the waves 听着潮起潮落 Listen to the waves 听着潮起潮落 I could be your fantasy 我就是你的幻觉 So you say you wanna get so high? 所以你说你的确想疯狂一下了? Breathe me in like air tonight 那么今晚像空气一样呼吸我好吗 Let yourself unwind, get lost 把自己放轻松 沉醉迷失 In the garden of my mind 在我内心的花园 I could be your private island 我是你的私人小岛 Underneath the plum trees 棕榈树下 You could leave your worries 把你的忧愁都抛下 Listen to the waves 听着海浪拍岸 Let them wash away your pain 让它冲刷尽你的痛苦