Thomston-Expiry Date

Thomston-Expiry Date

2017-05-17    02'58''

主播: 非西不是鱼

532 13

Thomston-Expiry Date Tragic, 像个悲剧, Am I moving backward? 我的努力是否毫无用处?反而像是火上浇油, I can't tell these days, 关于这些天的感受,我无法言喻, Am I losing touch or do I think too much? 我是否已被迢迢阻隔?抑或是我庸人自扰,Overanalyzing, I internalize everything these days, 过度分析,这些天我只是自己咽下种种苦水, So I put my palms together, 我双手合拢, (I promise that I'll, 我承诺我将会), Put in all the effort, 尽力一搏, (Head in it all, 目不斜视), In spite of all the pressure, 漠视重重阻挠, I'll walk until my feet bleed, 走到双脚渗血,才停下步伐, Furthest thing from easy, 再遥远的东西,循序渐进方能得到, Step out from the pile, 我离群索居, (I promise that I'll, 我承诺我将会), Make this worth your while, 不再虚度余生, (Head in it all, 目不斜视), Because I know that, 只因我心似明镜, I'll walk until I feet bleed, 走到双脚渗血,才停下步伐, Furthest thing from easy, 再遥远的东西,循序渐进方能得到, Dried up, 早已干涸, Nothing in the reservoir, 水库里空空如也, I thirst these days, 这些天我口渴难耐, Put the blinders on until the thoughts are gone, 我自蒙双目,直到思绪散尽, And all the doubt vacates and gives my head some space, 排开心中疑惑,腾开些许空间, It's kinda hard these days, 近来日子过得着实艰难, So I put my palms together, 我双手合拢, (I promise that I'll, 我承诺我将会), Put in all the effort, 尽力一搏, (Head in it all, 目不斜视), In spite of all the pressure, 漠视重重阻挠, I'll walk until my feet bleed, 走到双脚渗血,才停下步伐, Furthest thing from easy, 再遥远的东西,循序渐进方能得到, Step out from the pile, 我离群索居, (I promise that I'll, 我承诺我将会), Make this worth your while, 不再虚度余生, (Head in it all, 目不斜视), Because I know that, 只因我心似明镜, I'll walk until I feet bleed, 走到双脚渗血,才停下步伐, Furthest thing from easy, 再遥远的东西,循序渐进方能得到, If you put me on a shelf, I won't live long, 假如置我于众目睽睽之下,我定难以苟活,If you say it's temporary, I'll be gone, 假如说这一切只是须臾之间,我将自行离去, All my fingernails bitten to the ends, 指尖痛意,阵阵侵袭, (Reaped and sewed, dry and old, 收获,缝补,干枯,衰老), If I said I wasn't anxious, it's a lie, 假如我说我闲适淡然,那定是个弥天大谎,If I said the validation soothes my mind, 假如我说那道批准能够抚慰我心, Does that make me more human in your eyes?你又能否把我更当人来看, Everybody has a date that they expire, 淇则有岸,隰则有泮, Is it shameful that this keeps me up some nights? 羞耻万分,让我几夜不得入梦, Knowing that if I don't play my cards just right, 我也总算学得,人生这场游戏,我玩好自己的牌也就足够, Every part of this could vanish in my heads,过去的一切一切,终将被我赶出脑海,Fingernails bitten to the ends, 只是指尖痛意,挥之不去