【广播剧】And Then There Were None无人生还-Agatha Christie

【广播剧】And Then There Were None无人生还-Agatha Christie

2015-11-04    86'50''

主播: twopigggs

3795 229

八个素不相识的人受邀来到海岛印第安岛上。他们抵达后,接待他们的却只是管家罗杰斯夫妇俩。用晚餐的时候,餐厅里的留声机忽然响起,指控他们宾客以及管家夫妇这十人都曾犯有谋杀罪。众人正在惶恐之际,来宾之一忽然死亡,噩梦由此开始了。 他们在自己的房间里都发现了这首儿歌:   十个印地安小男孩,为了吃饭去奔走;Ten little Indian boys went out to dine;   噎死一个没法救,十个只剩九。One chocked his self and then there were nine.   九个印地安小男孩,深夜不寐真困乏;Nine Indian boys sat up very late;   《孤岛奇案》 地质出版社倒头一睡睡死啦,九个只剩八。One overslept himself then there were eight.   八个印地安小男孩,德文城里去猎奇;Eight Indian boys traveling in Devon;   丢下一个命归西,八个只剩七。One said he'd stay there then there were seven.   七个印地安小男孩,伐树砍枝不顺手;Seven Indian boys chopping up sticks;   斧劈两半一命休,七个只剩六。One chopped himself in halves then there were six.   六个印地安小男孩,玩弄蜂房惹蜂怒;Six Indian boys playing with a hive;   飞来一蛰命呜呼,六个只剩五。A bumble-bee stung one then there were five.   五个印地安小男孩,惹是生非打官司;Five Indian boys going in for law;   官司缠身直到死,五个只剩四。One got in Chancery then there were four.   四个印地安小男孩,结伙出海遭大难;Four Indian boys going out to sea;   青鱼吞吃血斑斑,四个只剩三。A red herring swallowed one then there were three.   三个印地安小男孩,动物园里遭祸殃;Three Indian boys walking in the zoo;   狗熊突然从天降,三个只剩两。A big bear hugged one then there were two.   两个印地安小男孩,太阳底下长叹息;Two Indian boys sitting in the sun;   晒死烤死悲戚戚,两个只剩一。One got all frizzled up then there was one.   一个印地安小男孩,归去来兮只一人;One Indian boy left all alone;   悬梁自尽了此生,一个也不剩。He went and hanged himself and then there were none. 餐桌上还有十个小瓷像。从第一天晚上开始的几天时间里,每天都有人按着儿歌里述说的方式死去。每死一个人,餐桌上的瓷瓶就会少掉一个。一时之间,人人自危,都希望能找出一个办法拯救自己的生命…… 这是一部十分成功的小说,以至于后来许多推理剧都借鉴于此。 And Then There Were None is a detective fiction novel by Agatha Christie, first published in the United Kingdom by the Collins Crime Club on 6 November 1939 as Ten Little Niggers. The title, which referred to a British nursery rhyme, was changed to And Then There Were None for the first United States edition, and the name of the nursery rhyme was changed in the text to Ten Little Indians. In the novel, ten people who had been complicit in the deaths of others but thus far escaped notice or punishment are tricked into coming to an island. Although they are the only people on the island, each guest is successively murdered in a manner paralleling the deaths enumerated in the nursery rhyme. It is Christie's best-selling novel with 100 million sales to date, making it the world's best-selling mystery ever, and one of the best-selling books of all time (Publications International lists it as 7th best-selling). The novel has been made into several films and adapted for radio.