

2016-11-21    23'13''

主播: 燃烧姐Miley

489 5

我是燃烧姐Miley,燃烧小宇宙吧! Miley的分享(中文在录音中寻找答案): 1 as the day is long 2 battery runs out of power=I feel exhausted 3 charge 4 mad about 5 fascinate with 6 appeal to 7 thanks to 8 by no means 9 is a result of 10 collective efforts 11 make something different 12 in the case 13 facial charm 14 leading card 15 after all 16 the majority of 17 manly 18 infinite VS finite 19 a man of medium height 20 keep a + adj+ figure 21 neither lanky nor stout 22 model 23 put on 24 speak with + adj+ accent 燃烧姐Miley的自我介绍 [在英语交流群内公开分享]✔ 英语爱好者可加微信miley457 Hello everyone in this warm group, my name is Miley, the girl on Fire. You can also call me flaming sister. For one reason, I am as energetic as the day is long . For another reason, teachers are just like candles, burning themselves, however, bringing the light to the others. And I want to be one of them when I was young.