饥饿游戏003| predicament 困境

饥饿游戏003| predicament 困境

2017-04-25    03'28''

主播: 燃烧姐Miley

295 6

朗读者:燃烧姐Miley 个人号:miley457 公众号:MileyOnFire 公众号名称:英语主播燃烧姐Miley 《饥饿游戏》原文: I was terrified. I suppose now that my mother was locked in some dark world of sadness, but at the time, all I knew was that I had lost not only a father, but a mother as well. At eleven years old,with Prim just seven, I took over as head of the family. There was no choice. I bought our food at the market and cooked it as best I could and tried to keep Prim and myself looking presentable(体面的). Because if it had become known that my mother could no longer care for us, the district would have taken us away from her and placed us in the community home. I’d grown up seeing those home kids at school. The sadness, the marks of angry hands on their faces, the hopelessness that curled their shoulders forward. I could never let that happen to Prim. Sweet, tiny Prim who cried when I cried before she even knew the reason, who brushed and plaited my mother’s hair before we left for school, who still polished my father’s shaving mirror each night because he’d hated the layer of coal dust that settled on everything in the Seam. The community home would crush her like a bug. So I kept our predicament(困境) a secret. 词源详解: predicament(困境):亚里士多德提出的“范畴”的拉丁文意译 英语单词predicament来自拉丁语predicamentum,而后者是对古希腊哲学家亚里士多德所提出的术语“范畴”(英语category,希腊语kategoria)的拉丁语意译。predicament的字面意思是“所宣称、断言的东西”,等于category,与predict(预言)、predicate(断言、谓语)词源相同。predicament原本表示“范畴”,后来词义演变为“状态、情形”,最后专指“令人难受而又难以摆脱的情形”,即“困境”。 predicament:[prɪ'dɪkəm(ə)nt] n.困境,窘况,状态 原创by燃烧姐Miley 版权所有