

2017-06-09    01'52''

主播: 燃烧姐Miley

121 2

英语主播燃烧姐 燃烧姐Miley 微信公众号MileyOnFire 微信个人号miley457 荔枝FM1780436 The opportunity is fleeting, you must use every drop of sweat to fight, to believe that you will get more, fate will succumb to your efforts. 机会稍纵即逝,要用每一滴汗水去争取,要坚信你会得到更多,坚信不懈的努力会让命运低头。 succumb / sə'kʌm / vi. 1 屈服,屈从;听任;弃置(常与to连用): Most of us are known to succumb to persuasion through the media. 我们之中的大多数人都抵挡不住传播媒介的宣传。 2 被压垮,死于过度劳累(常与to连用): Many of them succumbed to their injuries. 他们之中的许多人受伤不治而死。 to succumb to a disease 因患病而死 赏颗荔枝呗!😊 喜欢记得订阅,分享 你的支持,我的动力!