American history-windtalkers-Navajos

American history-windtalkers-Navajos

2015-07-12    12'00''

主播: 今晨5分钟

100 21

20150712 Good morning , everyone, welcome to 5 minutes English, I’m your host Daniel. 今天是美国知识特辑 Settlers from Europe began to move west in the 19th century. Native Americans were forced to move west as well. As you learned from the book, they were after the Great Plains for better framing, and the gold mines that could make them rich over the night. In order to get good land and gold, those settlers started conflicts and battles, moved the native Americans out of their land. American Indians' lives were totally changed. 一切都始于大航海(the Grand Voyage)发现美洲,贸易,殖民。 美国是一个非常典型的例子。 来自欧洲的定居者们不满足于美国东海岸的生活,19世纪的西迁就注定了和美国原住民发生更多的冲突。为了更好的土地和金银矿,after conflicts and battles, they moved the native Americans out of their land. 经过无数的冲突和战争,native Americans 也就是American Indians被赶出了他们世代生存的土地。 move out of (搬出,移出) It's a story too long to be told in five minutes. In so many different tribes of the native inhabitants, Navajos is quite famous. In world war 2, the Japanese Air force bombed the Pearl Harbor, which made America declare war to Japan. In the Pacific battlefield, Uncle Sam wasn't quite in advantage. Because all their communication codes were decoded by the Japanese. 第二次世界大战,日本空袭了美国夏威夷岛的珍珠港,迫使一直宣布中立的美国对日本宣战。 太平洋战场开启。战争初期,美国人并不占上风,他们的通信密码系统总会被日本人破解,局面一直很被动。Uncle Sam 一直是美国的代表词。 Unit American army adopted and adapted Navajo , the fate of Americans began to change. adopt 采用 , adapt 改编 Now let’s listen to a short clip of real Navajo. 播放电影场景 In this short clip, the officer was giving coordinates (坐标)to the code talker. Then the code talker(密码通讯员) transferred the codes to the battleship(战列舰), the battle ship had a decoder (译码员)to translate the code into English. 他说A, A, 就代表他要开始发报了。Arizona, Arizona, 是他们家乡的名字,也就是美国亚利桑那州,是Navajos的主要定居点。 中间有一段讲的是日语,那是美国人的无线电信号被日本人截获了,但是密码员无法破解听到的内容,他问道,eyigo de a li ma xio ka? 这是英语吗? Here we must talk about Navajo. Besides the people in the Navajo tribe, there were only 39 people in the world who understood Navajo. And none of them was Japanese. Nearly 500 hundred coder talkers worked for American Army. They were a legend of American Indians. You must be wondering why Navajos still helped American Army after what they had done to them. Because then understood. When comes the great danger to the country, they must put aside the grudges , unite and fight. Maybe that’s why we call them the United States of American. Navajos懂得:倾巢之下焉有完卵, 有了国家,才有小家。 Thank you for your listening. I’m your host Daniel. I’m see you tomorrow. Bye!!