

2015-08-31    01'33''

主播: 今晨5分钟

249 12

Today some things in the West are different and some things are not. For example, farmers used to grow corn and raise cattle and they still grow corn and raise cattle today. Of course, they used to use oxen and now they use to live in houses made of dirt and grass. These houses were dark and uncomfortable. Now farmers live in comfortable, modern houses. Cowboys’ lives are also the same in some ways. They used to ride horses and they still ride horses today. Of course, sometimes they drive cars, too, and they didn’t use to do that. Cowboy clothing is also similar. They used to wear boots and spurs and they still wear them today. Even American Indians do some things that they used to do. For example, they used to have big meetings called pow-wows, and some American Indians still go to pow-wows today.